Immersion in New-York City
Jamel MEDJAHED, director and founder of Efficience, is currently in New York to observe social assistance policies for troubled youth.
Immersion à NEw-York
Selected by the Fulbright Commission, Jamel MEDJAHED is immersed in American social structures.
The Fulbright Commission is a program supported by the U.S. Embassy in Paris and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to bring together the civil societies of the two countries, through partnership and exchange projects.
Initially the reflection was conducted with the members of the Efficience association; the question asked was how to enhance the territory, how international projects could contribute to improving the image of our cities?
This project with an international dimension brings a new field of experimentation for Efficience. The project includes time for exchanges of professional practices and even aims at setting up joint projects.
Immersion In NEW-YORK City
« It is often said that Maubeuge
Val de Sambre is isolated or geographically compartmentalized, we thought far and wide. Then quickly appeared the idea
a little crazy idea of New York city »
Jamel Medjahed
The DOOR, partner structure. It is an non-profit organisation on based in Manhattan that helps and welcomes nearly 11,000 young people each year. It offers a large number of services all in one place. A legal aid service (lawyer), a medical service (dentist, on-site laboratory…), housing, a food service, artistic activities (dance, plastic arts…), sports; as well as socio-professional support and training. All these services are provided internally by The Door and all in the same space.
The digitalization of social structures.
La digitalisation
des structures sociales.
Covid19 episode caused a sudden acceleration in the digitalization of the society.
This is a topic that was discussed during the Hackathon events organized by Efficience in 2020 and 2021). In the USA, as in France, the social aid structures have been very much impacted by this evolution which shakes up the professional practices.
The Door also has to rethink its action and services in this digitalized world. The problematic takes several forms: sourcing young people, informing about the rights, informing about the emergency services of The Door. The structure needs to equip itself with a digital offer more in line with the needs of young people and the job market, to review its communication strategy towards the beneficiaries.
The exchange of professional practices initiated until today is done around immersion times and interviews of different interlocutors; it allows through its interactions to discover the problems experienced by the professionals and also by the young beneficiaries.
« The Door is very interested in our actions in Maubeuge. It is New York that is surprised and inspired by what is invented in Maubeuge! Just for that the bet is already partly won! Jamel MEDJAHED
The field of possibilities remains open; innovative ideas are mentioned for the future. Such as promoting exchanges between young beneficiaries from both countries through inspiring and remobilizing stays for young people in difficulty; or even taking inspiration from the model of a solidarity communication agency experimented by Efficience and which The Door could use as a model with a strong social impact.
In the meantime, Jamel MEDJAHED continues his exploration of the New York context.
ImMErsion – video
Video presentation with interview of the director of The Door
Présentation vidéo avec interview
de la directrice de The Door.
Présentation vidéo avec interview
de la directrice
de The Door.
Articles de presse sur le projet
Voix du Nord Journal la Sambre